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10X Your Resolution Part 1

10X Your Resolution Part 1

Grant Cardone

I believe that one of the major reasons why people don’t stick to their goals and fail to accomplish them is because they fail to set them high enough from the beginning. I have read many books on goal setting and have even been to seminars on the topic, and I constantly see people set goals that either never get started or ones they bail on quickly.

Frequently, most of us have been warned against setting goals ‘too high.’ The reality is that if you start small, you are probably going to go small. People’s failure to think big enough usually means they will never act big enough, often enough, or persistently enough! After all, who gets excited about so-called realistic goals? And who can stay excited about anything with an—at best—average payoff?

To maintain your enthusiasm, you have to make your goals substantial enough that they keep your attention. Indeed, most people are so apathetic about their goals that they only write them down once a year. As far as I’m concerned, nothing worth doing is done only once or twice a year. The things upon which your life depends most are based on the actions you take daily. That is why I make sure to always do two things: 1) I write my goals down every day; and 2) I choose objectives that are just out of reach. This opens me up to my full potential, which I use to fuel my actions each day. Some people suggest that setting improbable goals might cause a person to become disappointed and lose interest. But if your goals are so small that you don’t even need to consider them on a daily basis, then you are going to lose interest!

Set 10X Goals:

A good idea is to word your goals as though you’ve already accomplished them. I keep a legal pad next to my bed so that I can record my goals first thing each morning and right before I go to bed at night. I also keep one in my office on which I record new and improved objectives. The following are examples of some of the goals I am currently working on and how I write them down. Notice that I word them as though I have already achieved each of them (when I have yet to do so).

• I own 5,000+ apartments that return over 12% positive cash flow

• I am in perfect health and physical condition

• My net worth is over $100 million

• I have written and published 12 or more best-selling books

• My marriage is alive and healthy and a positive model for others

Keep in mind that these are some of my goals and are only being used to give you an example of how I word them.

Average goal setting cannot and will not fuel massive 10X actions. The bigger and more unrealistic your goals are—and the more aligned they are to your purpose and duty—the more they’ll energize and fuel your actions.

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