
Consistency is pattern of behavior, agreement, harmony, or compatibility, especially correspondence or uniformity among the parts of a complex thing.
What I know about consistency is that it’s something you keep doing over and over and over every day to become better in what you do. Some people in life bounce around and don’t stay consistent. It confuses the body and mind on what needs to be done. It’s like that person has ADHD. They have problems focusing or staying on task. So if the task is repetitive or boring that person will quickly tune out.
In the car business it’s the same thing. You must repeat the process over and over with every customer to stay on track. Yes every customer is different but if you are consistent in the process, nothing will be out of order in your process. In the car business most of us were taught the 8 Steps to the Sale. For example: Meet & Greet, Qualify, Walk around, Test-Drive, Write Up, The Close, and Follow Up. As a salesperson or manager in the car business or any business that has to do with sales should know the process front to back and then back to front. Before the customer can own the vehicle they must buy the vehicle and before they buy the vehicle they need to want it, before they want the vehicle they need to be aware of the car and how will it solve their problem. Before you can solve their problem you have to show them the features and benefits of the vehicle, Before you show them the features and benefits of the vehicle they have to want to have their problem solved and would like to hear your solution. And before you can do all that and hear your solution they must have their problem solved. Now before you can find the problem to be solved you must qualify the customer and last but not least you must say Hello!
You see being consistent every time you can do that forwards and backwards with your eyes closed. I remember when I played football in high school our coach would run the same play in practice and in the game til we were stopped. I mean we ran the 45 sweep which was a pitch play to the running back to the outside of the field to gain yards. We ran that play over and over til the defense stopped us and then we would run another play 4 or 5 times til we got stopped on that play. Mind you we went to State in football 7 times winning 4 of those State Titles running the same plays over and over in the game. I joke but I think I am right we only had 4 plays total in his playbook and then he would call a time out and make up a play to confuse the defense the next play. But we were consistent in every practice and consistent in every game.
So when it comes to selling cars and making money you must do the same thing the same time over and over to be great at selling cars. If you change it up and rush through the process and become lazy and focus getting a unit out and not worried about making a great rapport with your customer, showing the hot buttons that interest the customer and build value on the vehicle they are wanting to buy you will lose all momentum in the process, lose the process and you turn into an Order Taker and you will lose all gross profit on your car deal.
Slow it down and go through the process and build value and consistency in your process. One of the reasons a sales person or manager fails in the sales business is that they are not consistent in the process.
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Ron Garverick has been in the automotive business since 2010. He has held many positions including GM of a Ford dealership. Currently Ron is the Finance Director at Street Volkswagen. Every position Ron has been put into he has increased sales profit by more than 50%. In sales he was the #1 salesperson in the auto group 3 times in a row with 500 people in the auto group. Soon he became GM and rose new car sells from 35 a month to 80 a month. Since taking over in the finance department the department went from less than $125K a month to a record breaking $278K a month in less than a month. Ron also hosts the Automotive Architect Sales podcast and does training on Auto Dealer University. Ron has a goal to help and coach others in the automotive business become as successful as him or even better.