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Dealer Conferences And Training On Women Car Buyers

Dealer Conferences And Training On Women Car Buyers

Jody DeVere

Where are you on the “women car-buyers topic?” Do you know the number of women who influence the purchase decisions of your brand? Buy your brand? Use your brand? Are you communicating effectively with women in your sales and service departments, in your marketing and advertising? In your digital marketing and social media efforts? How does the changing face of women as consumers impact your business?

Why is this important to have this knowledge? Look at the facts. Women are the most dynamic and fastest-growing economic force. Globally, women control about close to $28 trillion in spending and this continues to rise given advances in education, career opportunities, and social and political leadership. In many households purchasing decisions is either women-dominant or joint breadwinners, 72% of women in the U.S. earn 50-100% of the family household income. 28.8% of all businesses are women-owned. Women are also more likely to own their own business to give flexibly as they juggle work and family.

Meet the curator of the  world’s premier conferences on marketing to women and Mom’s, my good friend Nan McCann President of, PME Enterprises and Co-Founder of the, M2W® : The Marketing To Women Conference and the M2Moms® : The Marketing-To-Moms Conference.

Nan McCann states, “Few of the big automakers and a mere handful of dealerships attend our conferences to learn how to improve their work with female consumers. Information is power. To understand the market through the female gender lens it’s important to learn from the best in the business.”

“Our conferences, M2W® and M2Moms®, are both in their 10th year and help marketers learn how to improve consumer engagement and business to drive increased market share and revenue with today’s power consumer, the gender that makes the most purchasing decisions across ALL brand categories ALL the time…WOMEN, states Nan McCann, President, PME Enterprises”.

Nan continues, “Tom Peters, marketing guru, author of the acclaimed book In Search of Excellence and long time champion of this topic has famously said, “Bottom line: This “Women’s Thing” is…unmistakably, in my opinion…ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY Number 1. And there is no close second.”

“Let me be clear. This is not a battle of the sexes. This is simply a matter of how we think, design products, communicate, market, sell, service and manage our brands. It is a matter of smart business. And this is not just a U.S. economic reality. It’s a global imperative where WOMEN are economic game changers and you are building your brand fortunes in their dynamic court, declares Nan McCann.”

Does your dealership attend conferences and or training on communicating effectively with women car buyers? Specialized conferences and training by experts provide the needed insight, competitive edge, and know-how which is key to success in gaining “Market-Share Advantage with Women”.

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