The Thousandaire Mindset

The time of the Thousandaire is upon us and it’s time for a change.
I see you.
They see you.
The entire industry sees you.
Flashing your 2009 Mercedes-Benz key fob in photos of your daily morning Starbucks, subtly having your friends take photos of you next to the Lamborghini parked at Whole Foods, always throwing the hashtag #SelfMade and #BossLife on your Instagram photo that gets 9 likes. Yes, we see you.
But trust me, I understand you.
We’ve all tried to replicate those we look up to in one way or another. Whether it’s when we were kids and we wore the jersey of the football player we wanted to be like when we grew up, or it’s buying the t-shirt that we saw our favorite artist wearing in a music video after school on TRL; idolizing happens.
But when does it go too far?
We’re all trying to be somebody, but far too many people are going about it the totally wrong way. Buying into the idea that you’ll become rich and famous just by emulating people you look up to has to go out the window. You know why? You aren’t them. You are you. Be yourself and grow a brand based on who you are, what you believe in, and where you want to take yourself. Stop emptying your bank account every week to show off to people that don’t care. Stop buying merchandise from industry “gurus” that promote THEM and not yourself. When you spend $40 on a 10X hat and run around wearing it, does it actually help you make more money, or did you just give your money to someone who already has plenty? Stop, think, and use your money wisely. Break out of the “wantrepreneur” mindset and put in the real work needed to grow.
When you hustle in silence, your money makes all the noise.
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