10X Your Resolution Part 2

Take 10X Action:
Taking massive action means making somewhat unreasonable choices and then following these up with even more action. This level of action will be considered by some to be borderline insane, well beyond the agreed-upon social norm—and will always create new problems. But remember: If you don’t create new problems, then you’re not taking enough action.
When I started my first business I had to make it work; there was simply no two ways about it! If I wanted people to know about me and about what I represented, then I was going to have to do a lot—period. The problem wasn’t competition; it was obscurity. No one even knew who I was. This has been the single biggest problem I’ve encountered in every business I’ve built, and I imagine that it’s one most entrepreneurs face. I didn’t have money to invest in advertising, so I spent all my energy on phone calls, traditional mail, e-mail, cold calls, return calls, visits, and more calls. This level of massive action may sound—and is indeed—exhausting at times. However, it will create more certainty and security for you than probably any other education or training you will ever receive.
You can also expect to be criticized and labeled by others when you start taking massive action. The second you start hitting it big, you will immediately be judged by the mediocre. People who operate at lower levels of action will be threatened by your activity level and will often make it seem somehow “wrong” in order to make themselves right.
Receive 10X Criticism:
Although getting criticism is certainly not the best feeling in the world, I have great news: receiving criticism is not something that you want to avoid. Criticism is defined as: judgment of the merits and faults of the work or actions of one individual by another. Although criticizing does not necessarily mean to imply fault, the word is often taken to mean prejudice or disapproval. When you start taking the right amount of action, and therefore creating success, criticism is often not far behind.
Of course, most people don’t like being criticized. However, I’ve found that it comes as a natural result of getting attention. You need to expect and anticipate this as one of the signs of success. It will come when you start really cranking at 10X levels—often before your accomplishment is even evident.
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Grant Cardone is an international business and sales expert. He has authored 4 business books and customized sales training programs for Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, success-minded individuals and entrepreneurs.